

Each year, more than 100,000 American children are trafficked. Human Trafficking is the second most prolific crime in the U.S. At least 469 children in the Portland area were exploited as commercial sex workers from 2009 to 2013, according to Oregon’s public officials and researchers at Portland State University.

The Human Trafficking Committee, part of the FBI Portland Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBI Portland CAAA), assists survivors of sexual exploitation and educates citizens about human trafficking’s tragic effects on society.

  • Education: Learn about trends and warning signs to spread the message.
  • Fundraising: Donate to local organizations that aid survivors.
  • Service: Volunteer at prevention events.

To get involved, please contact Claude Laviano [hidden email]

For more information about our annual bowl-a-thon:

Click here for Katharyn Thompson's presentation, FBICAAA February 2017.

Social and Education Committee

The Social and Education Committee, part of the FBI Portland Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBI Portland CAAA), serves to sponsor, plan and coordinate opportunities for social and educational activities. The goal of the committee is to build a strong sense of community within the association by fostering relationships via shared experiences. We are always looking for energetic and creative people to join the committee to assist with the planning and execution of specific events. For more information, please contact [hidden email].